Class FieldMethodizer


public class FieldMethodizer extends Object

This is a small utility class allow easy access to static fields in a class, such as string constants. Velocity will not introspect for class fields (and won't in the future :), but writing setter/getter methods to do this really is a pain, so use this if you really have to access fields.

The idea it so enable access to the fields just like you would in Java. For example, in Java, you would access a static field like

and that is the same thing we are trying to allow here.

So to use in your Java code, do something like this :

   context.put("runtime", new FieldMethodizer( "org.apache.velocity.runtime.Runtime" ));
and then in your template, you can access any of your static fields in this way :

Right now, this class only methodizes public static fields. It seems that anything else is too dangerous. This class is for convenience accessing 'constants'. If you have fields that aren't static it may be better to handle them by explicitly placing them into the context.

Geir Magnusson Jr.
  • Constructor Details

    • FieldMethodizer

      public FieldMethodizer()
      Allow object to be initialized without any data. You would use addObject() to add data later.
    • FieldMethodizer

      public FieldMethodizer(String s)
      Constructor that takes as it's arg the name of the class to methodize.
      s - Name of class to methodize.
    • FieldMethodizer

      public FieldMethodizer(Object o)
      Constructor that takes as it's arg a living object to methodize. Note that it will still only methodized the public static fields of the class.
      o - Name of class to methodize.
  • Method Details

    • addObject

      public void addObject(String s) throws Exception
      Add the Name of the class to methodize
      s -
    • addObject

      public void addObject(Object o) throws Exception
      Add an Object to methodize
      o -
    • get

      public Object get(String fieldName)
      Accessor method to get the fields by name.
      fieldName - Name of static field to retrieve
      The value of the given field.