Interface MethodExceptionEventHandler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EventExample, PrintExceptions

public interface MethodExceptionEventHandler extends EventHandler
Event handler called when a method throws an exception. This gives the application a chance to deal with it and either return something nice, or throw. Please return what you want rendered into the output stream.
Will Glass-Husain, Geir Magnusson Jr.
  • Method Details

    • methodException

      Object methodException(Context context, Class<?> claz, String method, Exception e, Info info)
      Called when a method throws an exception. Only the first registered MethodExceptionEventHandler is called. If none are registered a MethodInvocationException is thrown.
      context - current context
      claz - the class of the object the method is being applied to
      method - the method
      e - the thrown exception
      info - contains template, line, column details
      an object to insert in the page
      RuntimeException - an exception to be thrown instead inserting an object