Class ReportInvalidReferences

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventHandler, InvalidReferenceEventHandler, RuntimeServicesAware

public class ReportInvalidReferences extends Object implements InvalidReferenceEventHandler, RuntimeServicesAware
Use this event handler to flag invalid references. Since this is intended to be used for a specific request, this should be used as a local event handler attached to a specific context instead of being globally defined in the Velocity properties file.

Note that InvalidReferenceHandler can be used in two modes. If the Velocity properties file contains the following:

 event_handler.invalid_references.exception = true
then the event handler will throw a ParseErrorRuntimeException upon hitting the first invalid reference. This stops processing and is passed through to the application code. The ParseErrorRuntimeException contain information about the template name, line number, column number, and invalid reference.

If this configuration setting is false or omitted then the page will be processed as normal, but all invalid references will be collected in a List of InvalidReferenceInfo objects.

This feature should be regarded as experimental.

Will Glass-Husain
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ReportInvalidReferences

      public ReportInvalidReferences()
  • Method Details

    • invalidGetMethod

      public Object invalidGetMethod(Context context, String reference, Object object, String property, Info info)
      Collect the error and/or throw an exception, depending on configuration.
      Specified by:
      invalidGetMethod in interface InvalidReferenceEventHandler
      context - the context when the reference was found invalid
      reference - string with complete invalid reference
      object - the object referred to, or null if not found
      property - the property name from the reference
      info - contains template, line, column details
      always returns null
    • invalidMethod

      public Object invalidMethod(Context context, String reference, Object object, String method, Info info)
      Collect the error and/or throw an exception, depending on configuration.
      Specified by:
      invalidMethod in interface InvalidReferenceEventHandler
      context - the context when the reference was found invalid
      reference - complete invalid reference
      object - the object referred to, or null if not found
      method - the property name from the reference
      info - contains template, line, column details
      always returns null
    • invalidSetMethod

      public boolean invalidSetMethod(Context context, String leftreference, String rightreference, Info info)
      Collect the error and/or throw an exception, depending on configuration.
      Specified by:
      invalidSetMethod in interface InvalidReferenceEventHandler
      context - the context when the reference was found invalid
      leftreference - left reference being assigned to
      rightreference - invalid reference on the right
      info - contains info on template, line, col
      loop to end -- always returns false
    • getInvalidReferences

      public List<InvalidReferenceInfo> getInvalidReferences()
      All invalid references during the processing of this page.
      a List of InvalidReferenceInfo objects
    • setRuntimeServices

      public void setRuntimeServices(RuntimeServices rs)
      Called automatically when event cartridge is initialized.
      Specified by:
      setRuntimeServices in interface RuntimeServicesAware
      rs - RuntimeServices object assigned during initialization