Interface IncludeEventHandler

    • Method Detail

      • includeEvent

        String includeEvent​(Context context,
                            String includeResourcePath,
                            String currentResourcePath,
                            String directiveName)
        Called when an include-type directive is encountered ( #include or #parse). May modify the path of the resource to be included or may block the include entirely. All the registered IncludeEventHandlers are called unless null is returned. If none are registered the template at the includeResourcePath is retrieved.
        context - current context
        includeResourcePath - the path as given in the include directive.
        currentResourcePath - the path of the currently rendering template that includes the include directive.
        directiveName - name of the directive used to include the resource. (With the standard directives this is either "parse" or "include").
        a new resource path for the directive, or null to block the include from occurring.