Class StandardParser

    • Field Detail

      • currentTemplate

        public Template currentTemplate
        Current template we are parsing. Passed to us in parse()
      • strictEscape

        public boolean strictEscape
        Set to true if the property RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT_ESCAPE is set to true
      • hyphenAllowedInIdentifiers

        public boolean hyphenAllowedInIdentifiers
        Set to true if the propoerty RuntimeConstants.PARSER_HYPHEN_ALLOWED is set to true
      • token

        public Token token
        Current token.
      • jj_nt

        public Token jj_nt
        Next token.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StandardParser

        public StandardParser​(RuntimeServices rs)
        This constructor was added to allow the re-use of parsers. The normal constructor takes a single argument which an InputStream. This simply creates a re-usable parser object, we satisfy the requirement of an InputStream by using a newline character as an input stream.
      • StandardParser

        public StandardParser​(CharStream stream)
        Constructor with user supplied CharStream.
    • Method Detail

      • trace

        public static void trace​(String message)
        Our own trace method. Use sparsingly in production, since each and every call will introduce an execution branch and slow down parsing.
      • parse

        public SimpleNode parse​(Reader reader,
                                Template t)
                         throws ParseException
        This was also added to allow parsers to be re-usable. Normal JavaCC use entails passing an input stream to the constructor and the parsing process is carried out once. We want to be able to re-use parsers: we do this by adding this method and re-initializing the lexer with the new stream that we want parsed.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface Parser
      • getDirective

        public Directive getDirective​(String directive)
        This method gets a Directive from the directives Hashtable
        Specified by:
        getDirective in interface Parser
      • isDirective

        public boolean isDirective​(String directive)
        This method finds out of the directive exists in the directives Map.
        Specified by:
        isDirective in interface Parser
      • dollar

        public char dollar()
        Specified by:
        dollar in interface Parser
      • hash

        public char hash()
        Specified by:
        hash in interface Parser
      • at

        public char at()
        Specified by:
        at in interface Parser
      • asterisk

        public char asterisk()
        Specified by:
        asterisk in interface Parser
      • process

        public final SimpleNode process()
                                 throws ParseException
        This method is what starts the whole parsing process. After the parsing is complete and the template has been turned into an AST, this method returns the root of AST which can subsequently be traversed by a visitor which implements the StandardParserVisitor interface which is generated automatically by JavaCC
      • Statement

        public final boolean Statement​(boolean afterNewline)
                                throws ParseException
        These are the types of statements that are acceptable in Velocity templates.
      • EscapedDirective

        public final void EscapedDirective()
                                    throws ParseException
        used to separate the notion of a valid directive that has been escaped, versus something that looks like a directive and is just schmoo. This is important to do as a separate production that creates a node, because we want this, in either case, to stop the further parsing of the Directive() tree.
      • Escape

        public final void Escape()
                          throws ParseException
        Used to catch and process escape sequences in grammatical constructs as escapes outside of VTL are just characters. Right now we have both this and the EscapeDirective() construction because in the EscapeDirective() case, we want to suck in the #<directive> and here we don't. We just want the escapes to render correctly
      • Identifier

        public final void Identifier()
                              throws ParseException
        This method corresponds to variable references in Velocity templates. The following are examples of variable references that may be found in a template: $foo $bar
      • DirectiveArg

        public final int DirectiveArg()
                               throws ParseException
        Supports the arguments for the Pluggable Directives
      • Directive

        public final boolean Directive​(boolean afterNewline)
                                throws ParseException
        Supports the Pluggable Directives #foo( arg+ )
        true if ends with a newline
      • Map

        public final void Map()
                       throws ParseException
        for creating a map in a #set #set($foo = {$foo : $bar, $blargh : $thingy})
      • IntegerRange

        public final void IntegerRange()
                                throws ParseException
        supports the [n..m] vector generator for use in the #foreach() to generate measured ranges w/o needing explicit support from the app/servlet
      • IndexParameter

        public final void IndexParameter()
                                  throws ParseException
        A Simplified parameter more suitable for an index position: $foo[$index]
      • Parameter

        public final void Parameter()
                             throws ParseException
        This method has yet to be fully implemented but will allow arbitrarily nested method calls
      • Method

        public final void Method()
                          throws ParseException
        This method has yet to be fully implemented but will allow arbitrarily nested method calls
      • Text

        public final boolean Text()
                           throws ParseException
        This method is responsible for allowing all non-grammar text to pass through unscathed.
        true if last read token was a newline
      • SetDirective

        public final boolean SetDirective​(boolean afterNewline)
                                   throws ParseException
        Currently support both types of set : #set( expr ) #set expr
      • getNextToken

        public final Token getNextToken()
        Get the next Token.
      • getToken

        public final Token getToken​(int index)
        Get the specific Token.
        Specified by:
        getToken in interface Parser
      • generateParseException

        public ParseException generateParseException()
        Generate ParseException.
      • trace_enabled

        public final boolean trace_enabled()
        Trace enabled.
      • enable_tracing

        public final void enable_tracing()
        Enable tracing.
      • disable_tracing

        public final void disable_tracing()
        Disable tracing.