Class SecureIntrospectorImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SecureIntrospectorImpl
    extends Introspector
    implements SecureIntrospectorControl

    Prevent "dangerous" classloader/reflection related calls. Use this introspector for situations in which template writers are numerous or untrusted. Specifically, this introspector prevents creation of arbitrary objects and prevents reflection on objects.

    See documentation of checkObjectExecutePermission() for more information on specific classes and methods blocked.

    Will Glass-Husain
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecureIntrospectorImpl

        public SecureIntrospectorImpl​(String[] badClasses,
                                      String[] badPackages,
                                      org.slf4j.Logger log)
    • Method Detail

      • getMethod

        public Method getMethod​(Class<?> clazz,
                                String methodName,
                                Object[] params)
                         throws IllegalArgumentException
        Get the Method object corresponding to the given class, name and parameters. Will check for appropriate execute permissions and return null if the method is not allowed to be executed.
        getMethod in class Introspector
        clazz - Class on which method will be called
        methodName - Name of method to be called
        params - array of parameters to method
        Method object retrieved by Introspector
        IllegalArgumentException - The parameter passed in were incorrect.
      • checkObjectExecutePermission

        public boolean checkObjectExecutePermission​(Class<?> clazz,
                                                    String methodName)
        Determine which methods and classes to prevent from executing. Always blocks methods wait() and notify(). Always allows methods on Number, Boolean, and String. Prohibits method calls on classes related to reflection and system operations. For the complete list, see the properties introspector.restrict.classes and introspector.restrict.packages.
        Specified by:
        checkObjectExecutePermission in interface SecureIntrospectorControl
        clazz - Class on which method will be called
        methodName - Name of method to be called
        true if method may be called on object
        See Also:
        SecureIntrospectorControl.checkObjectExecutePermission(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String)