Class UberspectPublicFields

    • Field Detail

      • log

        protected org.slf4j.Logger log
        Our runtime logger.
      • introspector

        protected Introspector introspector
        the default Velocity introspector
    • Constructor Detail

      • UberspectPublicFields

        public UberspectPublicFields()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
        init - generates the Introspector. As the setup code makes sure that the log gets set before this is called, we can initialize the Introspector using the log object.
        Specified by:
        init in interface Uberspect
      • getIterator

        public Iterator getIterator​(Object obj,
                                    Info info)
        Description copied from interface: Uberspect
        To support iteratives - #foreach()
        Specified by:
        getIterator in interface Uberspect
        obj -
        info -
      • getMethod

        public VelMethod getMethod​(Object obj,
                                   String method,
                                   Object[] args,
                                   Info info)
        Description copied from interface: Uberspect
        Returns a general method, corresponding to $ $woogie )
        Specified by:
        getMethod in interface Uberspect
        obj -
        method -
        args -
        info -
        method wrapper