Velocity Tools




Velocity News Feed


FeedTool is a tool providing the ability to retrieve and manipulate RSS and Atom feeds from within Velocity templates. It is built upon the Rome API.

The tool works by retrieving a feed from a specified URI and returning it in a ContextFeedWrapper class. The idea with the wrapper class is to have a convenient location for the provision of convenience methods for feed and feed entry manipulation ... although it could easily be incorporated into a single class.


  • Rome API

  • Rome Fetcher

  • JDom2





import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;

import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndFeed;
import com.rometools.fetcher.FeedFetcher;
import com.rometools.fetcher.FetcherException;
import com.rometools.fetcher.impl.FeedFetcherCache;
import com.rometools.fetcher.impl.HashMapFeedInfoCache;
import com.rometools.fetcher.impl.HttpURLFeedFetcher;

 * FeedTool
 * <p>
 * A Velocity View Tool for working with RSS and Atom APIs using Rome
 * </p>
 * @author C.Townson
public class FeedTool
         * The URL of the feed to be fetched by RomeFetcher
        private URL feedURL;

         * The FeedObject returned from fetch by RomeFetcher
        private ContextFeedWrapper feed;

         * Default view tool no-arg constructor
        public FeedTool() {
                // do nothing - View Tools must have public no-arg constructor

         * Returns the feed located at the specified URL
         * <p>
         * This is the core method provided with this tool - use this
         * from template, rather than any of the other public methods
         * </p>
         * TODO overloaded method with authenication parameterss
         * @param feedURL the url of the feed to retrieve
         * @return feed The feed object inside a utility wrapper class
        public ContextFeedWrapper get(String feedURL) {
                // cast String to URL

                // rev up RomeFetcher
                FeedFetcherCache feedInfoCache = HashMapFeedInfoCache.getInstance();
            FeedFetcher feedFetcher = new HttpURLFeedFetcher(feedInfoCache);

            // retrieve feed or freak out (silently!)
            try {
                // grab feed
            } catch (FetcherException fetchx) {
                // do something here?
            } catch (FeedException feedx) {
                // do something here?
            } catch (IOException iox) {
                // do something here?
            } catch (Exception x) {
                // do something here?

            // return wrapped feed
                return this.getFeed();

         * Returns the feed located at the specified (password protected) URL
         * @param feedURL the URL of the feed to retrieve
         * @param userName the userName to access the protected URL with
         * @param password the password to access the protected URL with
         * @return feed the feed object inside a utility wrapper class
        public ContextFeedWrapper get(String feedURL, String userName, String password) {
                // set feed url

                // construct auth string
                String auth = userName + ":" + password;

                // initialize httpcon variable
                HttpURLConnection httpcon = null;

                try {
                        // create connection
                        httpcon = (HttpURLConnection) this.getFeedURL().openConnection();

                        // encode username:password
                        String encoding = new BASE64Encoder().encode(auth.getBytes());

                        // set request property
                        httpcon.setRequestProperty("Authorization","Basic " + encoding);

                        // connect
                } catch(IOException iox) {
                        // do something here?

                // rev up Rome (not using fetcher this time)
                SyndFeedInput input = new SyndFeedInput();

                // grab and wrap feed
                try {
                        this.setFeed( XmlReader(httpcon)));
                } catch(FeedException fx) {
                        // do something here?
                } catch(IOException iox) {
                        // do something here?

                // if we have a connection, disconnect now
                if(httpcon != null) {

                // return wrapped feed
                return this.getFeed();

         * @return Returns the feed.
        public ContextFeedWrapper getFeed() {
                return this.feed;

         * @param feed The feed to set.
        public void setFeed(ContextFeedWrapper feed) {
                this.feed = feed;

         * @param feed The feed to set
        public void setFeed(SyndFeed feed) {
                this.setFeed(new ContextFeedWrapper(feed));

         * @return Returns the feedURL.
        public URL getFeedURL() {
                return feedURL;

         * @param feedURL The feedURL to set.
        public void setFeedURL(URL feedURL) {
                this.feedURL = feedURL;

         * Private helper method to covert String to URL
         * @param url
        public void setFeedURL(String url) {
                // try to cast URL string to URL
                try {
                        this.setFeedURL(new URL(url));
                } catch(MalformedURLException mfux) {
                        // do something here?
                } catch (Exception x) {
                        // do something here?


import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndFeed;
import com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndEntry;

 * Feed wrapper for Velocity context providing
 * utility methods for accessing feed object properties
 * @author Christopher Townson
public class ContextFeedWrapper {

         * The feed
        private SyndFeed feed;

         * An interger containing the total number of items in the retrieved feed
        private int numberOfEntries;

         * A SyndEntry object for holding the most recent feed entry
        private SyndEntry latest;

         * @param feed
        public ContextFeedWrapper(SyndFeed feed) {
                // assign feed object

                // grab number of entries
                this.numberOfEntries = this.getFeed().getEntries().size();

                // grab most recent entry (presently: just first entry)
                // TODO make this loop through entries and compare dates
                this.latest = (SyndEntry) this.getFeed().getEntries().get(0);

         * @return Returns the feed.
        public SyndFeed getFeed() {
                return this.feed;

         * @param feed The feed to set.
        public void setFeed(SyndFeed feed) {
                this.feed = feed;

         * @return Returns the numberOfEntries.
        public int getNumberOfEntries() {
                return numberOfEntries;

         * @param numberOfEntries The numberOfEntries to set.
        public void setNumberOfEntries(int numberOfEntries) {
                this.numberOfEntries = numberOfEntries;

         * @return Returns the latest feed entry.
        public SyndEntry getLatest() {
                return latest;

         * @param latest The entry to set as the latest
        public void setLatest(SyndEntry latest) {
                this.latest = latest;
