Package org.apache.velocity.runtime.log

Interface Summary
LogChute Base interface that logging systems need to implement.
LogSystem Deprecated. Use LogChute instead!

Class Summary
AvalonLogChute Implementation of a Avalon logger.
AvalonLogSystem Implementation of a Avalon logger.
JdkLogChute Implementation of a simple java.util.logging LogChute.
Log Convenient wrapper for LogChute functions.
Log4JLogChute Implementation of a simple log4j system that will either latch onto an existing category, or just do a simple rolling file log.
Log4JLogSystem Deprecated. Use Log4JLogChute instead.
LogChuteSystem Wrapper to make user's custom LogSystem implementations work with the new LogChute setup.
LogDisplayWrapper This is a wrapper around a log object, that can add a prefix to log messages and also turn logging on and off dynamically.
LogManager This class is responsible for instantiating the correct LogChute
NullLogChute Logger used in case of failure.
NullLogSystem Deprecated. Use NullLogChute.
PrimordialLogSystem Deprecated. Use HoldingLogChute instead!
RuntimeLoggerLog Deprecated. This will be removed along with the RuntimeLogger interface.
SimpleLog4JLogSystem Deprecated. Use Log4JLogChute instead.
SystemLogChute Logger used when no other is configured.

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