Package org.apache.velocity.exception

Interface Summary
ExtendedParseException All Exceptions that can provide additional information about the place where the error happened (template name, column and line number) can implement this interface and the ParseErrorException will then be able to deal with this information.

Exception Summary
MacroOverflowException Application-level exception thrown when macro calls within macro calls exceeds the maximum allowed depth.
MathException Separate exception class to distinguish math problems.
MethodInvocationException Application-level exception thrown when a reference method is invoked and an exception is thrown.
ParseErrorException Application-level exception thrown when a resource of any type has a syntax or other error which prevents it from being parsed.
ResourceNotFoundException Application-level exception thrown when a resource of any type isn't found by the Velocity engine.
TemplateInitException Exception generated to indicate parse errors caught during directive initialization (e.g.
VelocityException Base class for Velocity runtime exceptions thrown to the application layer.

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