Velocity Engine




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Velocity Dependencies

Since 2.1, Velocity Engine requires Java 1.8+.

When building from sources, Maven should fetch all needed dependencies. At runtime, velocity only needs commons-lang, slf4j-api, and one of the slf4j bindings.

The following table lists all needed jars.

Jar name Version Compilation Tests Runtime Comment
slf4j-api 1.7.26 Yes Yes Yes you'll also need an slf4j binding at runtime
commons-lang 3.8.1 Yes Yes Yes
junit 4.12 No Yes No
hsqldb 2.3.4 No Yes No
commons-io 2.6 No Yes No
slf4j-simple 1.7.26 No Yes No Your application will need one SLF4J binding, see below

Here is a list of slf4j bindings: