Class TexenTask


public class TexenTask

An ant task for generating output by using Velocity

$Id:,v 2004/03/03 23:23:07 geirm Exp $
Jason van Zyl, Robert Burrell Donkin

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties contextProperties
           These are properties that are fed into the initial context from a properties file.
protected  java.lang.String controlTemplate
          This is the control template that governs the output.
private static java.lang.String ERR_MSG_FRAGMENT
          This message fragment (telling users to consult the log or invoke ant with the -debug flag) is appended to rethrown exception messages.
private  java.lang.String fileSeparator
          Path separator.
protected  java.lang.String inputEncoding
          This is the encoding for the input file(s) (templates).
protected  java.lang.String outputDirectory
          This is where texen will place all the output that is a product of the generation process.
protected  java.lang.String outputEncoding
          This is the encoding for the output file(s).
protected  java.lang.String outputFile
          This is the file where the generated text will be placed.
protected  java.lang.String templatePath
          This is where Velocity will look for templates using the file template loader.
protected  boolean useClasspath
          Property which controls whether the classpath will be used when trying to locate templates.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void cleanup()
          A hook method called at the end of execute() which can be overridden to perform any necessary cleanup activities (such as the release of database connections, etc.).
 void execute()
          Execute the input script with Velocity
 org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties getContextProperties()
          Get the context properties that will be fed into the initial context be the generating process starts.
 java.lang.String getControlTemplate()
          Get the control template for the generating process.
 java.lang.String getOutputDirectory()
          Get the output directory.
 java.lang.String getOutputFile()
          Get the output file for the generation process.
 java.lang.String getTemplatePath()
          Get the path where Velocity will look for templates using the file template loader.
 Context initControlContext()
          Creates a VelocityContext.
protected  void populateInitialContext(Context context)
          Place useful objects into the initial context.
 void setContextProperties(java.lang.String file)
          Set the context properties that will be fed into the initial context be the generating process starts.
 void setControlTemplate(java.lang.String controlTemplate)
          [REQUIRED] Set the control template for the generating process.
 void setInputEncoding(java.lang.String inputEncoding)
          Set the input (template) encoding.
 void setOutputDirectory( outputDirectory)
          [REQUIRED] Set the output directory.
 void setOutputEncoding(java.lang.String outputEncoding)
          Set the output encoding.
 void setOutputFile(java.lang.String outputFile)
          [REQUIRED] Set the output file for the generation process.
 void setTemplatePath(java.lang.String templatePath)
          [REQUIRED] Set the path where Velocity will look for templates using the file template loader.
 void setUseClasspath(boolean useClasspath)
          Set the use of the classpath in locating templates

Field Detail


private static final java.lang.String ERR_MSG_FRAGMENT
This message fragment (telling users to consult the log or invoke ant with the -debug flag) is appended to rethrown exception messages.


protected java.lang.String controlTemplate
This is the control template that governs the output. It may or may not invoke the services of worker templates.


protected java.lang.String templatePath
This is where Velocity will look for templates using the file template loader.


protected java.lang.String outputDirectory
This is where texen will place all the output that is a product of the generation process.


protected java.lang.String outputFile
This is the file where the generated text will be placed.


protected java.lang.String outputEncoding
This is the encoding for the output file(s).


protected java.lang.String inputEncoding
This is the encoding for the input file(s) (templates).


protected org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties contextProperties

These are properties that are fed into the initial context from a properties file. This is simply a convenient way to set some values that you wish to make available in the context.

These values are not critical, like the template path or output path, but allow a convenient way to set a value that may be specific to a particular generation task.

For example, if you are generating scripts to allow user to automatically create a database, then you might want the $databaseName to be placed in the initial context so that it is available in a script that might look something like the following:

 echo y | mysqladmin create $databaseName
The value of $databaseName isn't critical to output, and you obviously don't want to change the ant task to simply take a database name. So initial context values can be set with properties file.


protected boolean useClasspath
Property which controls whether the classpath will be used when trying to locate templates.


private java.lang.String fileSeparator
Path separator.
Constructor Detail


public TexenTask()
Method Detail


public void setControlTemplate(java.lang.String controlTemplate)
[REQUIRED] Set the control template for the generating process.


public java.lang.String getControlTemplate()
Get the control template for the generating process.


public void setTemplatePath(java.lang.String templatePath)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
[REQUIRED] Set the path where Velocity will look for templates using the file template loader.


public java.lang.String getTemplatePath()
Get the path where Velocity will look for templates using the file template loader.


public void setOutputDirectory( outputDirectory)
[REQUIRED] Set the output directory. It will be created if it doesn't exist.


public java.lang.String getOutputDirectory()
Get the output directory.


public void setOutputFile(java.lang.String outputFile)
[REQUIRED] Set the output file for the generation process.


public void setOutputEncoding(java.lang.String outputEncoding)
Set the output encoding.


public void setInputEncoding(java.lang.String inputEncoding)
Set the input (template) encoding.


public java.lang.String getOutputFile()
Get the output file for the generation process.


public void setContextProperties(java.lang.String file)
Set the context properties that will be fed into the initial context be the generating process starts.


public org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties getContextProperties()
Get the context properties that will be fed into the initial context be the generating process starts.


public void setUseClasspath(boolean useClasspath)
Set the use of the classpath in locating templates
boolean - true means the classpath will be used.


public Context initControlContext()
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Creates a VelocityContext.
new Context
java.lang.Exception - the execute method will catch and rethrow as a BuildException


public void execute()
Execute the input script with Velocity
BuildException - BuildExceptions are thrown when required attributes are missing. Exceptions thrown by Velocity are rethrown as BuildExceptions.


protected void populateInitialContext(Context context)
                               throws java.lang.Exception

Place useful objects into the initial context.

TexenTask places Date().toString() into the context as $now. Subclasses who want to vary the objects in the context should override this method.

$generator is not put into the context in this method.

context - The context to populate, as retrieved from initControlContext().
java.lang.Exception - Error while populating context. The execute() method will catch and rethrow as a BuildException.


protected void cleanup()
                throws java.lang.Exception
A hook method called at the end of execute() which can be overridden to perform any necessary cleanup activities (such as the release of database connections, etc.). By default, does nothing.
java.lang.Exception - Problem cleaning up.

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