Uses of Class

Packages that use Directive

Uses of Directive in org.apache.velocity.runtime

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime that return Directive
 Directive RuntimeServices.getDirective(String name)
          Retrieve a previously instantiated directive.
 Directive RuntimeInstance.getDirective(String name)
          Retrieve a previously instantiated directive.
 Directive VelocimacroFactory.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String sourceTemplate)
          actual factory : creates a Directive that will behave correctly wrt getting the framework to dig out the correct # of args
static Directive RuntimeSingleton.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String templateName)
          Returns the appropriate VelocimacroProxy object if strVMname is a valid current Velocimacro.
 Directive RuntimeServices.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String templateName)
          Returns the appropriate VelocimacroProxy object if strVMname is a valid current Velocimacro.
 Directive RuntimeInstance.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String templateName)
          Returns the appropriate VelocimacroProxy object if vmName is a valid current Velocimacro.
static Directive Runtime.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String templateName)
          Deprecated. Returns the appropriate VelocimacroProxy object if strVMname is a valid current Velocimacro.
 Directive VelocimacroFactory.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String sourceTemplate, String renderingTemplate)
 Directive RuntimeServices.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String templateName, String renderingTemplate)
          Returns the appropriate VelocimacroProxy object if strVMname is a valid current Velocimacro.
 Directive RuntimeInstance.getVelocimacro(String vmName, String templateName, String renderingTemplate)
          Returns the appropriate VelocimacroProxy object if vmName is a valid current Velocimacro.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime with parameters of type Directive
 void RuntimeInstance.addDirective(Directive directive)
          Programatically add a directive.

Uses of Directive in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive

Subclasses of Directive in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive
 class Break
          Break directive used for interrupting foreach loops.
 class Define
          Directive that puts an unrendered AST block in the context under the specified key, postponing rendering until the reference is used and rendered.
 class Evaluate
          Evaluates the directive argument as a VTL string, using the existing context.
 class Foreach
          Foreach directive used for moving through arrays, or objects that provide an Iterator.
 class Include
          Pluggable directive that handles the #include() statement in VTL.
 class InputBase
          Base class for directives which do input operations (e.g.
 class Literal
          A very simple directive that leverages the Node.literal() to grab the literal rendition of a node.
 class Macro
          Macro implements the macro definition directive of VTL.
 class Parse
          Pluggable directive that handles the #parse() statement in VTL.
 class RuntimeMacro
          This class acts as a proxy for potential macros.
 class VelocimacroProxy
 a proxy Directive-derived object to fit with the current directive system

Uses of Directive in org.apache.velocity.runtime.log

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.log with parameters of type Directive
static String Log.formatFileString(Directive directive)
          Creates a string that formats the template filename with line number and column of the given Directive.

Uses of Directive in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser that return Directive
 Directive Parser.getDirective(String directive)
          This method gets a Directive from the directives Hashtable

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