Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogChute

Uses of LogChute in org.apache.velocity.runtime.log

Classes in org.apache.velocity.runtime.log that implement LogChute
 class AvalonLogChute
          Implementation of a Avalon logger.
 class AvalonLogSystem
          Implementation of a Avalon logger.
 class CommonsLogLogChute
          Redirects Velocity's LogChute messages to commons-logging.
 class JdkLogChute
          Implementation of a simple java.util.logging LogChute.
 class Log4JLogChute
          Implementation of a simple log4j system that will either latch onto an existing category, or just do a simple rolling file log.
 class Log4JLogSystem
          Deprecated. Use Log4JLogChute instead.
 class LogChuteSystem
          Wrapper to make user's custom LogSystem implementations work with the new LogChute setup.
 class NullLogChute
          Logger used in case of failure.
 class NullLogSystem
          Deprecated. Use NullLogChute.
 class PrimordialLogSystem
          Deprecated. Use HoldingLogChute instead!
 class ServletLogChute
          Simple wrapper for the servlet log.
 class SystemLogChute
          Logger used when no other is configured.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.log that return LogChute
protected  LogChute RuntimeLoggerLog.getLogChute()
protected  LogChute LogDisplayWrapper.getLogChute()
          make sure that we always use the right LogChute Object
protected  LogChute Log.getLogChute()
          Returns the LogChute wrapped by this Log instance.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.log with parameters of type LogChute
protected  void RuntimeLoggerLog.setLogChute(LogChute newLogChute)
protected  void Log.setLogChute(LogChute chute)
          Updates the LogChute wrapped by this Log instance.

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.runtime.log with parameters of type LogChute
Log(LogChute chute)
          Creates a new Log that wraps the specified LogChute.

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