Class AbstractContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Context, InternalEventContext
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    DBContext, TreeMapContext, VelocityContext

    public abstract class AbstractContext
    extends Object
    implements Context
    This class is the abstract base class for all conventional Velocity Context implementations. Simply extend this class and implement the abstract routines that access your preferred storage method. Takes care of context chaining. Also handles / enforces policy on null keys and values :
    • Null keys and values are accepted and basically dropped.
    • If you place an object into the context with a null key, it will be ignored and logged.
    • If you try to place a null into the context with any key, it will be dropped and logged.
    The default implementation of this for application use is org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext. All thanks to Fedor for the chaining idea.
    Geir Magnusson Jr., Fedor Karpelevitch, Jason van Zyl
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractContext

        public AbstractContext()
        default CTOR
      • AbstractContext

        public AbstractContext​(Context inner)
        Chaining constructor accepts a Context argument. It will relay get() operations into this Context in the even the 'local' get() returns null.
        inner - context to be chained
    • Method Detail

      • internalGet

        public abstract Object internalGet​(String key)
        Implement to return a value from the context storage.

        The implementation of this method is required for proper operation of a Context implementation in general Velocity use.
        key - key whose associated value is to be returned
        object stored in the context
      • internalPut

        public abstract Object internalPut​(String key,
                                           Object value)
        Implement to put a value into the context storage.

        The implementation of this method is required for proper operation of a Context implementation in general Velocity use.
        key - key with which to associate the value
        value - value to be associated with the key
        previously stored value if exists, or null
      • internalContainsKey

        public abstract boolean internalContainsKey​(String key)
        Implement to determine if a key is in the storage.

        Currently, this method is not used internally by the Velocity engine.
        key - key to test for existence
        true if found, false if not
      • internalGetKeys

        public abstract String[] internalGetKeys()
        Implement to return an object array of key strings from your storage.

        Currently, this method is not used internally by the Velocity engine.
        array of keys
      • internalRemove

        public abstract Object internalRemove​(String key)
        Implement to remove an item from your storage.

        Currently, this method is not used internally by the Velocity engine.
        key - key to remove
        object removed if exists, else null
      • put

        public Object put​(String key,
                          Object value)
        Adds a name/value pair to the context.
        Specified by:
        put in interface Context
        key - The name to key the provided value with.
        value - The corresponding value.
        Object that was replaced in the the Context if applicable or null if not.
      • get

        public Object get​(String key)
        Gets the value corresponding to the provided key from the context. Supports the chaining context mechanism. If the 'local' context doesn't have the value, we try to get it from the chained context.
        Specified by:
        get in interface Context
        key - The name of the desired value.
        The value corresponding to the provided key or null if the key param is null.
      • containsKey

        public boolean containsKey​(String key)
        Indicates whether the specified key is in the context. Provided for debugging purposes.
        Specified by:
        containsKey in interface Context
        key - The key to look for.
        true if the key is in the context, false if not.
      • getKeys

        public String[] getKeys()
        Get all the keys for the values in the context
        Specified by:
        getKeys in interface Context
        Object[] of keys in the Context. Does not return keys in chained context.
      • remove

        public Object remove​(String key)
        Removes the value associated with the specified key from the context.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface Context
        key - The name of the value to remove.
        The value that the key was mapped to, or null if unmapped.
      • getChainedContext

        public Context getChainedContext()
        returns innerContext if one is chained
        Context if chained, null if not
      • pushCurrentTemplateName

        public void pushCurrentTemplateName​(String s)
        set the current template name on top of stack
        s - current template name
      • popCurrentTemplateName

        public void popCurrentTemplateName()
        remove the current template name from stack
      • getCurrentTemplateName

        public String getCurrentTemplateName()
        get the current template name
        String current template name
      • getTemplateNameStack

        public String[] getTemplateNameStack()
        get the current template name stack
        String[] with the template name stack contents.
      • pushCurrentMacroName

        public void pushCurrentMacroName​(String s)
        set the current macro name on top of stack
        s - current macro name
      • popCurrentMacroName

        public void popCurrentMacroName()
        remove the current macro name from stack
      • getCurrentMacroName

        public String getCurrentMacroName()
        get the current macro name
        String current macro name
      • getCurrentMacroCallDepth

        public int getCurrentMacroCallDepth()
        get the current macro call depth
        int current macro call depth
      • getMacroNameStack

        public String[] getMacroNameStack()
        get the current macro name stack
        String[] with the macro name stack contents.
      • icacheGet

        public IntrospectionCacheData icacheGet​(Object key)
        returns an IntrospectionCache Data (@see IntrospectionCacheData) object if exists for the key
        key - key to find in cache
        cache object
      • icachePut

        public void icachePut​(Object key,
                              IntrospectionCacheData o)
        places an IntrospectionCache Data (@see IntrospectionCacheData) element in the cache for specified key
        key - key
        o - IntrospectionCacheData object to place in cache
      • setCurrentResource

        public void setCurrentResource​(Resource r)
        See Also:
      • getCurrentResource

        public Resource getCurrentResource()
        See Also:
      • setMacroLibraries

        public void setMacroLibraries​(List<Template> macroLibraries)
        See Also:
      • getMacroLibraries

        public List<Template> getMacroLibraries()
        See Also: