Class Scope

    • Field Detail

      • owner

        protected final Object owner
    • Constructor Detail

      • Scope

        public Scope​(Object owner,
                     Object previous)
        owner -
        previous -
    • Method Detail

      • set

        public String set​(Object key,
                          Object value)
        Convenience method to call put(key,val) in a template without worrying about what is returned/rendered by the call. This should ALWAYS return an empty string.
        key -
        value -
        empty string
      • stop

        protected void stop()
        Allows #stop to easily trigger the proper StopCommand for this scope.
      • getDepth

        protected int getDepth()
        Returns the number of control arguments of this type that are stacked up. This is the distance between this instance and the topmost instance, plus one. This value will never be negative or zero.
      • getTopmost

        public Scope getTopmost()
        Returns the topmost parent control reference, retrieved by simple recursion on getParent().
        top-most scope
      • getParent

        public Scope getParent()
        Returns the parent control reference overridden by the placement of this instance in the context.
        parent scope
      • getReplaced

        public Object getReplaced()
        Returns the user's context reference overridden by the placement of this instance in the context. If there was none (as is hoped), then this will return null. This never returns parent controls; those are returned by getParent().
        replaced reference value, or null
      • getInfo

        public Scope.Info getInfo()
        Returns info about the current scope for debugging purposes.
        template debugging infos