Velocity Tools





Velocity News Feed

Changes Report

Release History

Version Date Description
2.0 2010-05-10
1.4 2007-11-26
1.3 2007-02-08
1.2 2005-11-09
1.1 2004-02-21
1.1-rc1 2004-02-21
1.1-beta1 2003-11-10
1.0 2003-07-16

Release 2.0 - 2010-05-10

Type Changes Bye
More convention over configuration and smart defaults . nbubna
New configuration formats (more concise/flexible/powerful xml, properties, java) . nbubna
Entirely new core infrastructure (lazy-loading tools, easier access, standalone support etc) . nbubna
Added VelocityViewTag for JSP integration . nbubna
Added DisplayTool, ConversionTool, ClassTool, LoopTool, FieldTool, a generic version of LinkTool and more . nbubna
Refactored and enhanced a number of existing tools . nbubna
Improved documentation . nbubna
Deprecated many outdated things . nbubna
Legacy support for almost all Tools 1.4 configurations and extensions . nbubna
Better integration of $application, $session and $request scope control objects . cbrisson

Release 1.4 - 2007-11-26

Type Changes Bye
Added ability to add current request parameters to LinkTool, including controls for automatically and/or manually ignoring some of those . Thanks to Christopher Schultz. nbubna
fixed infinite recursion in RenderTool . Fixes VELTOOLS-87. Thanks to Andrea Bernardo Ciddio. nbubna
Upgraded DVSL version used for documentation to v1.0 . nbubna
Fix order preservation problem in SortTool . Fixes VELTOOLS-85. Thanks to Tatyana. nbubna
Protect BrowserSniffer from requests without user-agent . cbrisson
Added support for a MethodExceptionHandler - the TilesTool.get() method now only returns null if one isn't present . marino
Changed StrutsLinkTool.setForward() to look for forwards local to the action mapping, before looking up global forwards . Thanks to Christopher Schultz. nbubna
Rearrange/refactor/deprecate some internal methods in VelocityViewServlet in preparation for VelocityTools 2.0 upgrades . nbubna
Upgraded Velocity Engine dependency to build and test against v1.5 (NOTE: Velocity Engine 1.5 will be required for VelocityTools 2.0.) . nbubna
Added propertyKey() and propertyValue() escaping support to EscapeTool . Fixes VELTOOLS-81. Thanks to Phil Cornelius. nbubna
Fixed bug in request-path restriction when using wildcards . nbubna
Make default locale and format for NumberTool configurable, just as they are in DateTool . nbubna
Add ComparisonDateTool (with some tests and showcase demos) for comparing dates and displaying the comparisons textually . Thanks to Chris Townsen. nbubna
Add ability to configure default Locale for DateTool and to lock down configure() so it is safe to use in application scope . nbubna
Add better support for dynamic locales in MessageTool . Thanks to Christopher Schultz. nbubna
Use ResourceTool for common text throughout the Showcase example . nbubna

Release 1.3 - 2007-02-08

Type Changes Bye
Added ResourceTool and ViewResourceTool for access to and use of ResourceBundles . nbubna
Upgraded to latest versions of Commons-Digester (1.8) and Commons-Validator (1.3.1) . nbubna
Updated ValidatorTool to mirror key changes/features in Struts 1.3.x's JavascriptValidatorTag . Fixes VELTOOLS-58. Thanks to Christopher Schultz and Niall Pemberton. nbubna
Added url(String) method to EscapeTool for URL encoding . Fixes VELTOOLS-73. Thanks to Marc Novakowski. cbrisson
Added start.showcase.webapp and stop.showcase.webapp ant targets to manually launch the showcase webapp using the embedded Jetty servlet container . cbrisson
Added a testcases framework for generic and view tools . cbrisson
Changed VelocityViewServlet to look for toolbox config at "/WEB-INF/toolbox.xml" and velocity init properties at "/WEB-INF/" when no other locations are specified (i.e. change the standard location into a convention to reduce configuration needs) . nbubna
Upgraded VelocityStruts dependencies to those for Struts 1.3.x series and updated "struts" example app according to provided directions . nbubna
Replaced "layout" example with new "showcase" example to interactively demonstrate all tools and the VelocityLayoutServlet . nbubna
Added auto() and manual() methods to AlternatorTool and deprecated the make() methods that took a boolean parameter . nbubna
Added getAll() method to ParameterParser to retrieve map of all params via $params.all . nbubna
Added configurable getSelf() function to LinkTool to make self-referencing links easier . nbubna
Added create() methods to CookieTool to support more complex Cookie creation . nbubna
Added ContextTool for convenient access to context data and meta-data . nbubna
Overhauled ant build process: dependencies are now automatically download, jars have manifests, checksums are auto-generated, and more. Also, building with JDK 1.3 is no longer supported . Fixes VELTOOLS-71. nbubna
Updated license headers and notices to comply with new ASF policy . henning
Made auto-alternate default of AlternatorTool configurable via toolbox config . nbubna
Add addQueryData(Map) and params(Map) method to LinkTool . Thanks to Mark Brunkhart. nbubna
Fixed a number of problems with ImportSupport . Fixes VELTOOLS-56. Thanks to Christopher Schultz. nbubna
Add ability to restrict availability of request-scoped tools according to a request path value set in the tool configuration . Fixes VELTOOLS-67. Thanks to Claude Brisson. nbubna
Change VelocityViewServlet to read logger and resource loader config from file instead of hard-coding it . Fixes VELTOOLS-68. henning
Added setAbsolute() and absolute() methods to LinkTool . nbubna
Made default format of DateTool configurable via toolbox definition . nbubna
Deprecated ViewTool and Configurable interfaces ; ViewToolInfo has been enhanced to automatically recognize such tools by checking for init(Object) and/or configure(Map) methods . nbubna
Enhanced TextKey trick in MessageTool to make using args and bundles easier . nbubna
Add getInteger() and getDouble() convenience methods to ValueParser . nbubna
Added get() method to StrutsLinkTool to allow syntax like $link.action.saveFoo . nbubna
Added param(), relative(), anchor(), and uri() convenience methods to LinkTool . nbubna
Added currency(), number(), integer(), and percent() convenience methods to NumberTool . nbubna
Changed auto-alternate default in AlternatorTool to match Alternator default . nbubna

Release 1.2 - 2005-11-09

Type Changes Bye
Updated documentation to cover new features and sync to many infrastructure changes . nbubna
Fixed incomplete escaping in ValidatorTool . Fixes VELTOOLS-52. Thanks to Christopher Schultz. nbubna
Fixed infinite loop logging problem with Tomcat 5.5 in the "simple" example webapp . nbubna
Upgraded jars to Struts 1.2.7, Commons-Logging 1.0.4, Commons-Validator 1.1.4, Digester 1.7, Commons-Collections 3.1, Beanutils 1.7.0, Struts SSL Extension for 1.2, and Commons-Lang 2.1 . nbubna
Added VelocityStruts support for non-resource and session-scoped action messages . Fixes VELTOOLS-51. Thanks to Niall Pemberton. nbubna
Factored generic parsing code out of ParameterParser into new ValueParser for parsing strings pulled from any Map . nbubna
Improved error handling/recovery in toolbox xml parsing by adding validation of tool info . henning
Added BrowserSnifferTool for identifying browsers and their features ; this depends on Java 1.4's regexp support for use . nbubna
Added EscapeTool for commons escaping needs ; this requires commons-lang for use . Thanks to Shinobu Kawai. nbubna
Added ListTool as utility for using arrays like Lists in templates . Thanks to Shinobu Kawai. nbubna
Added DateTool methods to provide easy access to date values (e.g. month, year, day) . nbubna
Converted VelocityView and VelocityStruts to use a VelocityEngine instead of the Velocity singleton. This means only the servlets log directly to the VelocityEngine instance; the tools and other classes now use commons-logging (which can still be redirected to the VVS's VelocityEngine). Also, both the RenderTool and LogSystemCommonsLog now support either the singleton or non-singleton approach . nbubna
Fixed bad relative URIs in LinkTool when webapp is installed as root . Thanks to Laurent Dauvilaire. nbubna
Factored basic pagination code out of AbstractSearchTool into new AbstractPagerTool . nbubna
Make StrutsUtils.errorMarkup() support errors.prefix/suffix . Thanks to Shinobu Kawai. nbubna
Fixed ImportSupport bug with multiple calls to ImportResponseWrapper.getWriter() or getOutputStream() . Thanks to Shinobu Kawai. nbubna
Made DateTool.toDate(Object) accept Number in place of Long . nbubna
Fixed RenderTool NPE when passed null VTL string . Thanks to Tim Colson. nbubna
Enable template cache refreshing and global macro autoreloading in WebappLoader . marino
Stopped using Velocity's dependency jar . marino
Upgraded Struts, commons-collections, commons-logging, and commons-validator to Struts 1.2.4 versions . marino
Added new SortTool . Thanks to Brett Sutton. nbubna
Added MathTool methods for totalling or averaging lists or arrays of values . Thanks to Leon Messerschmidt. nbubna
Prevent NPE in RenderTool.recurse() when an evaluation fails . nbubna
Upgraded jars from Velocity 1.3.1 to Velocity 1.4 . nbubna
Simplified MessageTool interface to support $text.this.that syntax instead of just $text.get('this.that') . nbubna
Added Alternator and AlternatorTool to improve on the old VelocityFormatter.makeAutoAlternator() . Thanks to Daniel Rall. nbubna
Added new Configurable interface and support for configuring tools in the toolbox definition . nbubna
Added methods for integer division and modulus to MathTool . nbubna
Remove members, methods, and classes deprecated in 1.1 . nbubna
Bring example Struts apps up to speed with latest Struts version . marino
Upgrade jars to Struts 1.2.0 and Validator 1.1.2 . marino

Release 1.1 - 2004-02-21

Type Changes Bye
Deprecated StrutsUtils' getActionErrors() and getActionMessages() in favor of getErrors() and getMessages() . nbubna
Fixed javadoc warnings during build . Thanks to Nathan Green. nbubna
Some sort of improvements to Struts example apps . marino

Release 1.1-rc1 - 2004-02-21

Type Changes Bye
Changed recommended keys for MessageTool and ActionMessagesTool to $text and $messages . nbubna
Changed XMLToolboxManager to use thread context classloader when digesting toolbox . nbubna
Fixed session tool initialization/synchronization issue . nbubna
Added TilesTool methods to import attributes to specific scopes (page/request/session/application) . marino
Added new demos for using ValidatorTool, TilesTool, and SecureLinkTool to VelocityStruts example app . marino
Upgraded/refactored MathTool to add floor() and ceil(), make type-handling more intuitive and flexible, and improve number parsing . nbubna
Improved resource bundle support in ActionMessagesTool . nbubna
ErrorsTool now extends ActionMessagesTool . nbubna
LinkTool now encodes URLs using the response's character encoding . nbubna
Removed inadvertant JDK 1.4 dependencies from ImportSupport . nbubna
Made XMLToolboxManager not abstract . nbubna
De-staticized non-private methods in RenderTool and LinkTool . nbubna
Added NumberTool for formatting numbers . Thanks to Mike Kienenberger. nbubna
Filled out and cleaned up DateTool's toDate(...) methods . nbubna
Changed VelocityViewServlet's error method to print the stack trace of the root cause when it encounters a MethodInvocationException . nbubna
Added importAttributes() method to TilesTool to automatically put all attributes of the current Tiles context into the Velocity context . marino
Replaced TilesTool's getString(String) method with getAttribute(String) in order to support "put lists." . marino

Release 1.1-beta1 - 2003-11-10

Type Changes Bye
Made VelocityViewServlet use response.getOutputStream() if response.getWriter() fails. This is functionality is deprecated and provided as a migration path from 1.0 behavior . Thanks to Daniel Rall. nbubna
De-staticized MathTool to make it extendable . nbubna
Factored common functionality of ErrorsTool, MessageTool, and ActionMessagesTool into abstract MessageResourcesTool . nbubna
Added ImportTool as a simple ImportSupport-based tool . marino
Converted TilesTool to extend ImportSupport. This allows easy mixing of view technologies (JSP, Velocity, etc.) in VelocityStruts applications . Thanks to Matthew Payne. marino
Added ImportSupport class for building tools that can import resources from local or remote URLS . marino
Overhauled DateTool to make it more extendable, user-friendly, and add support for standard, localized date-time styles (see DateTool javadoc for more) . nbubna
Added support for specifying message resource bundles to StrutsUtils, ErrorsTool, ActionMessagesTool, and MessageTool . Thanks to Marinó A. Jónsson. nbubna
Added commons-validator (1.0.2) and sslext jars to library . marino
Added SecureLinkTool for using Struts SSL Extension with VelocityStruts . marino
Added ValidatorTool to provide Struts 1.1 javascript validation for VelocityStruts . marino
output.encoding property (if non-default) is appended to default content-type as the charset . nbubna
VelocityViewServlet now uses response.getWriter() instead of response.getOutputStream() . Thanks to Matthew Payne. nbubna
Improved VelocityViewServlet error handling (exceptions are logged and error() is now more robust) . nbubna
Put VelocityViewServlet's requestCleanup() call in a 'finally' clause to allow clean after errors during a request . nbubna
Fixed miscellaneous javadoc and doc typos . Thanks to Takayoshi Kimura. nbubna
Allow system to reclaim objects held by pooled writers in VelocityViewServlet . nbubna
Changed LinkTool to automatically check for XHTML setting . nbubna
Added support for standard XHTML mode setting via toolbox config . nbubna
Moved request/response/session/application keys to ViewContext and add getAttribute() method . nbubna
Added selectModule() and getForwardURL() to StrutsUtils . marino
Convert VelocityStruts tools to use new StrutsUtils methods and be module aware . marino
Removed unused imports from StrutsLinkTool . nbubna
Refactor StrutsUtils to use Struts 1.1 classes and support modules . marino
Added TilesTool . marino
Allow subclasses of VelocityViewServlet to use different ToolboxManager implementations . nbubna
Added CookieTool . Thanks to Dmitri Colebatch. nbubna
Added demo of <data> elements to simple VelocityView example . nbubna
Made simple VelocityStruts example catch Commons-Logging output with LogSystemCommonsLog . nbubna
Convert toolbox setup to use Digester instead of dom4j . nbubna
Added LogSystemCommonsLog and CommonsLogLogSystem to provide bridges between Commons-Logging and Velocity's LogSystem . nbubna
Added Commons Logging 1.0.3 jar . nbubna
Added ActionMessagesTool . nbubna
Upgrade deprecated Struts 1.0 uses in examples . nbubna
Updated jars to Struts 1.1, BeanUtils 1.6.1, Digester 1.5, Collections 2.1 . nbubna

Release 1.0 - 2003-07-16

Type Changes Bye
Initial release. . nbubna