
Interface Summary
EventHandler Base interface for all event handlers
EventHandlerMethodExecutor Strategy object used to execute event handler method.
IncludeEventHandler Event handler for include type directives (e.g.
InvalidReferenceEventHandler Event handler called when an invalid reference is encountered.
MethodExceptionEventHandler Event handler called when a method throws an exception.
NullSetEventHandler Event handler called when the RHS of #set is null.
ReferenceInsertionEventHandler Reference 'Stream insertion' event handler.

Class Summary
EventCartridge Stores the event handlers.
EventHandlerUtil Calls on request all registered event handlers for a particular event.
IncludeEventHandler.IncludeEventExecutor Defines the execution strategy for includeEvent
InvalidReferenceEventHandler.InvalidGetMethodExecutor Defines the execution strategy for invalidGetMethod
InvalidReferenceEventHandler.InvalidMethodExecutor Defines the execution strategy for invalidGetMethod
InvalidReferenceEventHandler.InvalidSetMethodExecutor Defines the execution strategy for invalidGetMethod
MethodExceptionEventHandler.MethodExceptionExecutor Defines the execution strategy for methodException
NullSetEventHandler.ShouldLogOnNullSetExecutor Defines the execution strategy for shouldLogOnNullSet
ReferenceInsertionEventHandler.referenceInsertExecutor Defines the execution strategy for referenceInsert

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