
Provides classes to support using Velocity in a servlet environment.


Class Summary
ServletLogger Simple wrapper for the servlet log.
ServletToolboxManager A toolbox manager for the servlet environment.
ServletToolboxRuleSet The set of Digester rules required to parse a toolbox configuration file (toolbox.xml) for the ServletToolboxManager class.
ServletToolInfo ToolInfo implementation that holds scope information for tools used in a servlet environment.
ServletUtils A set of utility methods for the servlet environment.
VelocityLayoutServlet Extension of the VelocityViewServlet to perform "two-pass" layout rendering and allow for a customized error screen.
VelocityViewServlet A servlet to process Velocity templates.
WebappLoader Resource loader that uses the ServletContext of a webapp to load Velocity templates.

Package Description

Provides classes to support using Velocity in a servlet environment. (includes servlets, resource loader, logger, and a toolbox manager)

Package Specification

Related Documentation

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